Refreshing the canvas of...



When was the last time you took a step back from your current research and thought about what you are doing, and more importantly, where you are going? With the constant pressure on academics to be focused on the urgent, we rarely make time to look at the important.

Whether you’re planning a PhD thesis, writing a paper or grant proposal, or dealing with some internal politics, taking the time to think outside the box and refresh your view on academia is often vital if you’re wanting to be successful.

Take the time to step back and plan what you want to achieve in your academic career...


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Unsure on how to get the best out of your current workforce, which way to take the company or struggling to get a good work-life balance?

Whether you are a business owner, an executive, a manager, an employee or simply a person looking for a new job or career, refreshing the canvas of your business can greatly improve your chances of success.

Typical one-to-one steps include:

-  Clarify the vision

-  Identify key goals

-  Design a Strategy

-  Implement the plan

-  Review Progress

Help transform your business by taking it from where it is now to where you want it to be.




Refreshing the canvas of your career with your own personal coach will help you set goals on things you really want to achieve. Don’t limit yourself - we all have opinions about our own abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Often we tell ourselves what we can’t do, and focus on the negatives; seldom do we spend time looking at we could achieve.

Your coach will help you with strategies and techniques used to change your thoughts into being more positive. As the sessions progress you will build a clear picture of what you’re after, and will start to take steps to achieving this.

Pause to clarify what you want, why you want it, and how you can get it...


We believe that actions speak louder than words. Check out recent testimonials and contact us if you have any questions.